5 Steps to Logging in to Pointclickcare as a CNA in 2022

5 Steps to Logging in to Pointclickcare as a CNA in 2022

Pointclickcare has changed the way CNAs get their information, and it’s been a game-changer. Once you’ve mastered logging in, you can spend more time helping patients and less time searching for resources online. Here are five steps to logging in to Pointclickcare as a CNA in 2022.

Step 1: Know where you need to go

It’s almost time for National CNA week, and you’re finally ready to log into point click care. You searched for point click care on your phone and then type pointclickcare login into the search bar. It asks you what type of access you want: mobile, internet or nursing student. Choose whichever one you’re going with before clicking Next. You are then redirected to another website where it asks you if this is your first time logging into point click care. Type yes and hit next. The following page is long with tons of options- don’t worry, because they are all broken down by subject area! Click on Nursing home nursing if that’s what you’ll be doing and type in your username and password.

Step 2: Check if you are eligible

Pointclickcare has many benefits for CNAs. However, if you are not eligible for the program, then you will not be able to log in and register. Unfortunately, this means that you will not be able to participate in any of the programs offered through the app. To find out if you are eligible, follow these steps: 

1) Visit your state’s official healthcare website.

 2) Search Pointclickcare or nurse navigator on the site. 

3) If there is an option for registering with Pointclickcare, click on it and see if you qualify. 

4) Click on Apply Now and enter your information into the necessary fields to see whether or not you are eligible.

 5) If you meet all of the requirements and fill out all of the necessary information correctly, then congratulations! You should receive a notification saying that you have been accepted into Pointclickcare!

Step 3: Get your access code

Once you have your ID from the previous step, you will need your access code. You can generate an access code by entering your phone number, username and password on the Pointclickcare login page. Your phone number will be used for verification purposes and must be accurate for logging in. Once you’ve received the message with your access code, enter it into the field labeled Verification Code. 

##Securing Your Access Code ## Make sure to protect your access code so that no one else can use it! If someone else gets their hands on your access code, they could log in as you and see all of your information or send messages from your account. Here are some ways that you can protect yourself: 

  • Do not store this information on any public computer
  • Put this information somewhere safe
  • Use something unique like a post-it note to record the codes needed for each time

Step 4: Enter your username and password

Enter your username and password. You can find these on the back of your card. If you ever forget your username or password, contact our Support Team and they will be able to assist you. 

Make sure your cursor is in the Username field before entering your credentials 

Your Username should not exceed 10 characters 

– Your Password should not exceed 8 characters – Once entered, click ‘Login’ button 

A pop-up window will ask if you want to save your username and password for future use. Choose Yes if this is the first time logging into the Pointclickcare system or No if this is not your first time logging into Pointclickcare 

– If saving, enter a new Username and Password that only you know to make it easier for next time. We recommend using capital letters for ease of remembering

Step 5: Click on the link

Pointclickcare is our way of giving CNAs the power and knowledge they need to be successful. To do this, we’ve created an easy-to-use site with helpful tools and resources that enable you, the caregiver, to improve your skills. Here’s how:

 1) Sign up for free by going to the home page agreement

 2) Click on log in 

3) You’ll enter your email address then select the privacy 

4) Fill out your name and create a password 

5) Click on ‘log in’!

  1. Sign up for free by going to the home page
  2. Click on log in 
  3. You’ll enter your email address then select the privacy agree.
  4. Fill out your name and create a password . We hope these steps will help get you logged in to Pointclickcare quickly and easily. We’re excited about what you can accomplish here at Pointclickcare.

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This is Muhammad Farrukh Yaqub, have good experience in the websites field. Muhammad Farrukh Yaqub is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, and games review in World. Pl6ease feel free contact mfyoficial786@gmail.com https://techytent.com/

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