PDF Documents: Top 3 PDF Editors to Annotate, Edit, and Convert Them

PDF Documents: Top 3 PDF Editors to Annotate, Edit, and Convert Them

How can you make the most of your PDF documents? The best way to do so is by adding annotations and editing them, but this isn’t always easy or possible with free software. Luckily, there are 3 PDF editors that will allow you to edit and annotate your PDFs easily and on all devices! These PDF editors can convert, view, sign, and share your PDFs; you won’t have to worry about missing out on any important information when you don’t have access to your desktop computer. Read on to learn more about these three powerful PDF editors!

1) Quality

As you’re probably aware, PDF documents are a relatively new way to store information. We do it because they preserve formatting which is useful when we want to share the document with people who don’t have the same version of software we do. The only problem is that sometimes it can be difficult for those of us who don’t work in the design industry. Thankfully, there are some great editors out there! Here are my top three picks:
#1 – Acrobat Pro DC by Adobe
In my opinion, this is hands down the best product on the market. It has all the features of an enterprise product at a reasonable price point that’s easy enough for anyone (including myself) to use and understand.

2) Functionality

1. Skitch – A tool from Evernote that makes it easy to add text boxes and highlight parts of a document.

2. Nitro Pro 9 – The best software on the market for manipulating documents. It’s full of editing tools, helps users convert their documents into other formats (such as PDF or Microsoft Word), and most importantly allows you to create annotations on any given document-even if they are in another program such as Microsoft PowerPoint! This makes it perfect for annotating after exporting from your favorite design software like Adobe Photoshop or Sketch.
3. Text Wrangler – Free, full-featured editor for programmers who also needs formatting features.

3) Price

-Adobe Acrobat ($14.99)
-Foxit Reader 9.3.0 (free) -Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4 (free)
-Nuance PaperPort 12 ($39.95) -Nitro Pro 8.5 ($49.99)
-Nitro Pro 8.5 + Team Share Pack 2 ($249.00)
-LibreOffice 5 (free)

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This is Muhammad Farrukh Yaqub, have good experience in the websites field. Muhammad Farrukh Yaqub is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, and games review in World. Pl6ease feel free contact mfyoficial786@gmail.com https://techytent.com/

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